What is the key to LOVE? It comes and goes throughout our lives until we find our sole mate. The one who accepts you for who you truly are. An acronym for the word love could be "Loving Others Very Effortlessly" or focusing on personality traits, "Loyalty, Openness, Virtue, Empathy." These are all ways to feel love in your life.
Jesus Christ was an individual that demonstrated love in various ways. He performed miracles and healed sick or afflicted people, showing love and empathy through compassion. Jesus lead a life of encouragement and lead by example on being kind and loving towards others. He prayed for others, demonstrating the power of spiritual support. Jesus welcomed everyone, regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or background. He served others selflessly, washing the feet of his disciples and ministering to the needs of the people. He forgave those who wronged him, even those that crucified him on the cross.
My husband, Jared, is an individual who loves without judgement. He puts other peoples needs above his own always. He is willing to help out neighbors and give of his time for the benefit of others. He has a gift of handling stressful situations and bring calmness. He is a wonderful listener, present and attentive when others are speaking, and shows genuine interest in their concerns. Our kids always want to talk to him and enjoy his advice.
More people need to show more unconditional love. Loving others without conditions or expectations, simply because they are human beings worthy of love and respect. That is the key to L-O-V-E.
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